At Waitemata Hunt, an artificial scent is laid across the countryside during the Hunt meet. Hounds, Huntsman, Master and the field of riders follow the scent over well prepared jumps, or through the farm gates. We get to enjoy the thrill of following a pack of hounds at full cry, over some magnificent countryside. Waitemata Hunt's territory is predominantly to the north west of Auckland, on many farms situated between Coatesville to the south, South Head to the west and State Highway 16 to the north.
Joining the Waitemata Hunt is a rewarding and fun experience. The hunt offers an annual calendar of events including hunting, treks, hunt schools, hunter trials, day treks, orienteering, competitions, and non-mounted social events.
We hunt once or twice a week during the 'hunt season' which is March - May. And outside of the hunt season run other activities.
Most members choose to pay the annual subscription by automatic payment, meaning you can spread the cost over the full year by paying weekly, fortnightly, or monthly rather than having to pay the membership fee all in one lump sum.
Click here for the 2024 Membership Form
To renew your membership or to join the Waitemata Hunt for the 2024 season, please click on the link above and complete the online form.
All subscriptions include the compulsory $43 NZ Hunt Association levy and a $40 annual sparring fee.
- Adult $475 or $39.58 monthly
- Junior $275 or $22.92 monthly
- Family $700 (one adult and 3 children) or $58.33 monthly
- Student $375 or $31.25 monthly
- Associate (non-riding) $50 or $4.17 monthly
- Cappers: Senior $65; Member of another hunt $35; Junior (14 and under) $35; Student $45.
NOTE our financial year is October to September.
- Membership renewals via lump sum payment are due in October.
- If you choose to pay monthly the monthly payment is the amount indicated above, however, depending on when you make your first monthly payment there may be a "catch up" amount to bring you up to date for the season (financial year) which needs to be paid up before the end of March, and the AP needs to go until September that year.
I.E. if you start paying the monthly amount in February of $39.58 there is a "catch up" amount (Nov/Dec/Jan = $39.58 x 3 months = $118.74) continuing the $39.58 amount per month fromMarch to September.